Our Partnerships

Through this work, we've met some very interesting people! We have had discussions with some people from our previous post on Similar Initiatives, but some of them have now moved into multiple meetings and even work together. Here are the three closest ones:

The Bridge Foundation

Michele and John have experience with agriculture and with intentional communities. They are now building what they call an "agri-city" model: structures that not only house people in an eco-friendly way but also support agriculture near and inside the homes.

We recently participated in one of their building events, plastering mud on the interior walls which would become adobe for the greenhouse area. We have collaborated on digital work as well. We look forward to supplying more physical needs together (as well as collaborating more in the digital world).


Colin R Turner carries the banner for living a gifting economy, and his site has thousands of people who participate in sharing what they have for free. For some more background on Colin: he attempted to travel around the world without money, he gave a TED talk on the topic, and he has a good deal of content on these ideas including the Open Access Economy wiki, the Free World Charter, and books and more on his own website.

We have been working together on ways to expand the reach of ShareBay, including code for an aggregation service for sites who are working on this new kind of social support.


This is a community of hosts and travelers that has over 100,ooo people in the network, offering their places for people to stay. Mostly in Europe, it is an outgrowth of the original and popular "couch surfing" website, and they are still connected to sites like TripHopping for invitations to travelers, HitchWiki for hitchhiking, and TrashWiki for the use of trash. They are rebuilding some of their functionality such that there is a lower threat of ever disappearing due to management difficulties by any single person or organization.

We have made Time Safari interoperate with their beta for the next generation of Trustroots apps. We plan to continue looking for ways to spread our reach and build together.

Further Activities

  • Join any of the sites above to see what kind of people and offerings are on those platforms.
  • In Time Safari:
    • You can now send a project to Trustroots and see it show on their test site. Here's how: go to the account page and click on Advanced features, then turn on "Show All General Advanced Functions", then edit a project and add a location and check the box at the bottom to send to Trustroots; you'll see it show up on their beta "notes" app.
    • You can send an invite to someone and they will be able to add activities now because they will be automatically registered after clicking on your invite link.